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Business News

Wrest Point take delivery of Pro Shop MultiPARs and a Martin M1 Console

The Showroom at Hobart’s Wrest Point is ideal for everything from live rock bands to intimate theatre and comedy, with tiered flooring to ensure great viewing from all areas. As with many technology-savvy venues, The Showroom recently decided to replace its PAR Can rig with a smarter alternative – the Pro Shop MultiPAR.

Utilizing the same tried and tested LED array, hardware and software from the LED Pro PAR 64 Tri-Colour, the LED MultiPAR Tri-Colour is a reliable and high performance LED wash fitting for a variety of different markets. As well as being a tired and tested replacement for the PAR Can, the MultiPAR offers an in/out linking Powercon connector as well as both 3 and 5 pin DMX. The LCD display is also mounted on this rear panel. Cables are also neatly grouped together when run out of the rear of the fitting due to the common discreet location of power and data.

“We’ve purchased thirty-two of the Pro Shop MultiPARS to replace our existing PAR Can rig,” commented Adam Cox, Audio Visual Supervisor, Wrest Point. ““They’ve been used on three shows so far and we’ve been really happy with their performance.”

The new LED fixtures prompted Adam to look at purchasing a new console as the venue’s Hog1000 and an Event 48 were not ideal for the newer technology.

“We still use the Hog but we needed a more up to date console for the LED fixtures and listening to reports from people in the industry led me to the Martin M1 console,” said Adam. “It seems to be the next logical step up from the Hog as Hog users can easily transfer to the M1 and that was a big selling point for us.”

Adam says that he really likes the support he gets for the console in particular the Martin Youtube videos which he describes as great for understanding the console.

“The M1 is just an all round attractive package for us,” he commented. “We really like its’ ease of use; you can get head around it after only a couple of hours of use. I like the touchscreen aspect of the console as well as the autosave feature which means you don’t have to continually save your work. The colour picker window for easy colour selection is great too. The guys here are really happy with our M1 console; they have picked it up quickly and are most impressed with it.”

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