Waves is now shipping Spherix, a suite of plug-ins comprising a compressor and a brickwall limiter intended to streamline dynamics control of 7-channel beds in immersive mixing environments such as Dolby Atmos.
Spherix’s controls, available for each channel (right below the metering), allow a user to tweak parameters quickly across all channels, without swapping from one channel to the next.
Control Linking allows a user to tweak parameters across all or groups of channels. Channels may be grouped by speaker zone — tops, surrounds, a choice of three front-wall groupings (L+R, L+R+C or L+R+C+LFE), or all channels together — with a single touch (muli-mono).
Using Channel Linking, channels may be grouped based on speaker zones, enabling the user to compress or limit each zone as a bus, rather than as separately processed channels. So, for example, a user could compress/limit the tops as one unified zone, sides and rears as another, and the front-wall as another zone, with a unified compressor or limiter applied instantly across all channels in the group.
A weight control — reportedly a Spherix exclusive — provides adjustment of the balance and content of the sidechain that feeds channel-linked groups. A user can choose whether the grouped channels will react more to each individual channel, more to the entire group, or more to all other channels, and any point between.
Multi-channel meters offer readouts of levels and gain reduction across all channels, without the user having to manually switch channels.
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