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Project News

VuePix Infiled for Dolphin Stadium

Dolphin Stadium in Redcliffe has recently undergone a major upgrade, turning the popular sporting venue into a world-class facility.

A major part of the upgrade was building a new 3000+ seat Grandstand at the Northern end, which now features a large VuePix Infiled scoreboard.

Our VuePix team partnered up once again with Forbes Electrical & Data Services (FEDS) team to deliver a new large format digital display for the stadium.

VuePix was a natural choice for the venue, following the successful installation of the first VuePix scoreboard back in 2016.

Bruce Forbes, Managing Director of FEDS comments: “Once again, we chose VuePix as the LED screen for our project due firstly to the quality, and secondly the variety of product they offer.  Our relationship with ULA Group continues to evolve and allows us to provide custom solutions across the Theatre, Club, Production and Outdoor Screen markets.“

The new Scoreboard is 6.5m wide and 3.5m tall, consisting of 52 VuePix AR series panels with 10.4mm resolution. The AR series lightweight panels were a perfect fit for this project, allowing for a high brightness of 5,000nits and delivering outstanding performance in any light condition, even under direct sun. Advanced IP65 weatherproof protection of the panels assures the screen is ready to withstand harsh weather conditions, which are common in the region.

The new scoreboard screen compliments the original VuePix LED display which was installed 5 years ago at the Southern end of the stadium and is still standing bright and strong. The original screen is 6.4m wide & 3.6m tall, consisting of 25 VuePix B series panels with 10.6mm pixel pitch.

Both screens are controlled by NovaStar video processor.

In addition to this, Redcliffe Leagues Club has benefited from a VuePix LED screen for their club house. The screen has recently been installed in the outdoor area of the club’s International Sports Bar and provides a perfect digital platform to play live sports and entertain all the club’s patrons and guests.

Dolphin Stadium’s final grandstand was officially opened in September 2020. The stadium can now host up to 10,000 patrons and is in the run for an NRL licence for the next season.

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