The Swan Hill Town Hall Performing Arts and Conference Centre is a multi-purpose, seven day a week operation, which aspires to provide a consistent and reliable level of service to hirers, audiences and conference attendees.
Applications are sought for a skilled Venue Technician to assist with the efficient and effective delivery of exceptional and creative technical services at the Swan Hill Town Hall Performing Arts and Conference Centre and other Council facilities. This includes the provision of all lighting, sound, audiovisual, setup, workplace health and safety, and staging services.
This position requires a successful Working with Children Check prior to commencing employment.
Attracting approximately $31.19 per hour, this is a permanent part-time position within Council working approximately 30 hours per week (120 hours over a 4 week period).
Applications close
12pm on Thursday, 3 February 2022. It is anticipated that interviews will be held on Tuesday, 15 February 2022.
How to apply
You are required to obtain a Position Description prior to applying for this role. Copies can be downloaded from Council’s website at or by phoning (03) 5036 2333. Any further enquiries can be directed to Human Resources.
Applications should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Swan Hill Rural City Council, PO Box 488, Swan Hill 3585 or emailed to
Applicants that do not address the key selection criteria in their application may not be considered.