The School of Performing Arts at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), University of Melbourne, has recently appointed Joseph Mercurio to be the Production Department’s lecturer in Performance Technology. Joseph’s appointment coincides with the introduction of a new degree course for 2012 and focus on the importance of technology in live theatre.
Joseph brings a wealth of experience as a lighting designer and educator. He has taught for a number of years at different institutions including La Salle in Singapore and as Lighting Course Coordinator at WAAPA.
The VCA is committed to ensuring the highest level of training for the students in the production course. The new degree and the equipment upgrading are example of the intention of VCA to be at the forefront of performance technology. Since joining the VCA Joseph has been involved in developing the new degree course and in purchasing a range of new equipment for lighting and vision systems.
Joseph said; “The new degree course includes lectures in computer software, student will learn the full design flow of adobe suite. As an example a stage manager will be able to design and print paper props, a lighting/set/costume designer will be able to render design concepts and all students will benefit by learning how to create an online portfolio. This is just one of the ways we are making this technology a tool for our students. It is going to be an exciting and productive time to be at the VCA”.
Joseph added; “The emphasis and commitment to new technology that the VCA has shown is fantastic. We are in a purchasing frenzy, so far we have upgrading standard lighting equipment, put together a pre-visualisation studio, created a 1:25 model lighting design facility, and purchased equipment for vision projection and content creation. We still have the big purchase to come at the end of the year with new control surfaces, moving lights and LED fixtures. Without a doubt this process will see the VCA position itself at the forefront of Performance Technology.”

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