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Universal Audio Launches LA-6176 Signature Channel Strip Plugin

Universal Audio has announced the debut of the new LA-6176 Signature Channel Strip plugin that combines the company’s 610 tube preamp, 1176 FET compressor, and LA-2A tube compressor into a single Unison-enabled platform that’s available in both UADx (Native) and UAD?2/Apollo formats.

Unlike the original UA 6176 hardware unit, the LA-6176 plugin lets users select between fast, punchy 1176LN Limiting Amplifier compression, and slower, gentler LA-2A Leveling Amplifier compression, a feature never before found in a UAD plugin that’s designed to let music creators “tune” the channel strip to better match the source.

“This is really a ‘what if we just…’ type of plugin,” says Bill Putnam Jr., CEO of Universal Audio. “It started out as a 100?percent faithful emulation of our original 6176 Channel Strip in celebration of it’s 20th anniversary. But our team couldn’t help but add in the LA-2A circuitry that we couldn’t actually fit into our 2U channel strip in the physical world.”

The UAD LA-6176 Signature Channel Strip is Unison-enabled for use with Apollo interfaces, matching mic input impedance and gain staging of the original hardware.

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