Two ESTA Technical Standards Program draft standards have been posted for public review at Descriptions and deadlines for comments are as follows:
BSR E1.14 — 2001 (R201x), Entertainment Technology — Recommendations for Inclusions in Fog Equipment Manuals, applies to the instruction manuals for fog-making equipment manufactured for use in the entertainment industry. In order to use fog safely and effectively, the user must have some general knowledge of the technology, have a clear understanding of how to operate the fog making system, and be aware of the potential hazards related to the use of fog, and particularly the system that he/she is using. This standard is designed to establish guidelines for manufacturers to provide to the user the necessary information required for the safe and responsible use of fog equipment. Last reaffirmed in 2013, the 2001 version is again being considered for reaffirmation by the Fog & Smoke Working Group. The public review ends at the end of the day on May 15, 2017.
BSR E1.31 — 201x, Entertainment Technology — Lightweight Streaming Protocol for Transport of DMX512 using ACN., provides a very simple protocol that offers functionality comparable to proprietary DMX512 over Ethernet protocols while being compatible with the E1.17 suite of protocols. The standard is being revised, limited to the addition of IPv6 compatibility and the correction of errors. Input on additional features is not being sought at this time. A future revision of the standard is planned to incorporate any changes outside of this scope. That future revision will be developed following the IPv6 update. To aid reviewers in discerning which sections of the draft standard include changes, a copy of the draft showing tracked changes is included in the public review package. The public review ends at the end of the day on May 8, 2017.
The review documentation — including the draft standards, review forms, review explanations, and review instructions — is available to download from Email review forms to before the date listed on the public review documents page.