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Event News

tvONE and Green Hippo launch the CONECT Control Competition

tvONE and Green Hippo are launching a competition to highlight excellence in control system design using their range of products.

tvONE is looking for programmers, operators and designers who have mastered video manipulation using Green Hippo’s Hippotizer range of Media Servers, or harnessed the power of tvONE’s CORIOmaster family of video processors.

The contest, called the CONECT Control Competition, will officially launch at the company’s CONECT Summit on April 5, 2022. This free-to-attend, live-streamed event will include virtual demos, training, and panel discussion with industry leaders. The Summit will focus on how tvONE, Magenta and Green Hippo products, software features and support can help professionals reimagine the AV landscape.

The tvONE and Green Hippo teams are asking: ‘Have you designed a control system for the CORIOmaster family of video processors or Hippotizer Media Servers that sets the benchmark for others to follow? If you have, help us highlight your best use of tvONE or Green Hippo APIs for creative control or to solve a client’s workflow issue.’

Prizes of up to $1000 will be awarded to the best entries in three categories: CORIOmaster Video Processors; Hippotizer Media Servers; and creative install using tvONE or Hippotizer products.

Submissions open on April 5 and remain open until May 14, 2022, with the winners announced soon after. To enter, contestants need to fill out an online submissions form and attach a file that describes their design, explaining the client brief and how tvONE or Hippotizer products were used to control APIs to the best effect. This can be submitted on a Word document or PDF. The teams are also asking entrants to attach supporting documentation which could include an outline drawing, photos, video, client feedback or a configuration file for CORIOmaster or Hippotizer. Online submissions open on April 5, 2022 at

“We have been storming ahead with new products, innovations, and upgrades throughout the pandemic, providing the industry with new technologies and ways to enhance their creativity,” says Frithjof Becker, Director of EMEA Sales for tvONE and Green Hippo. “The CONECT events are part of our ongoing commitment to bringing the industry together to move forward, and the CONECT Control Competition is another exciting aspect to our range of end user-focused activities – with more being announced over the coming months.” The first CONECT Technology Summit will be held virtually, on Tuesday April 5 at 10am EST. Registration is now open at

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