Opera Australia seeks an experienced touring lighting technician for its regional touring arm – Oz Opera. The 2008 Oz Opera tour will see 46 performances of Madame Butterfly in 30 locations across metropolitan Melbourne, Victoria, Hobart, New South Wales and Adelaide in traditional and non-traditional venues.
The successful applicant will preferably have previous regional Australia touring experience.
They will work with a small team and are expected to be hands on to help other departments when necessary.
The touring Mechanist and Electrician share the responsibilities of loading and unloading the truck and setting up the show in each venue. Employment dates are: 25/6/08 to 8/10/08
Essential skills:
-Programming experience of Strand 500 series consoles or proficient on either an MA or Hog.
-Notation of all focus and rigging positions from the Initial design and to generate a show file detailing that and all electrical aspects for the show
-Transferring the lighting design into each tour venue
-General maintenance of all lighting equipment on the tour
-Excellent communication skills with an outgoing, friendly personality
Desirable Skills
-Riggers Ticket with experience in ground support systems
-Test & Tagging qualification
Please direct enquiries to Jennifer Kerr, Manager – Oz Opera, on 03 9685 3718, and send CVs demonstrating experience and expressing interest by March 12, 2008 at PO Box 389, South Melbourne VIC 3205 or by fax: 03 9686 1441 or email jobs@opera-australia.org.au, quoting reference 0GA/LX.
Posted: February 28th 2008

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