Three draft standards have been posted for public review on the PLASA Technical Standards Program website. The reviews run through June 2, 2014; the reviews are over and the links to the documents disappear when June 3 starts.
The three draft standards available for review are:
BSR E1.42 – 201x, Entertainment Technology — Safety Standard for Orchestra Pit Lifts. Stage lifts, such as orchestra pit or theatre forestage lifts, are not the subject of any current national standard in the USA. As result, safety requirements and inspections of them are inconsistent. E1.42 is being written to address this lack of a standard. The scope is limited to safety and to orchestra or forestage lifts that are installed as a part of the building and that are not custom-built for a single theatrical production.
BSR E1.43 – 201x, Entertainment Technology — Live Performer Flying Systems. E1.43 specifies a minimum level of performance parameters for the design, manufacture, use, and maintenance of performer flying systems used in the production of entertainment events. Performer flying systems within the scope include systems supporting people that give the impression of weightlessness, floating, or flying, and for acrobatic and circus performance acts. All locations of the flight path, including over the stage and audience, are within the scope.
BSR E1.51 – 201x, The Selection, Installation, and Use of Single-Conductor Portable Power Feeder Cable Systems for Use at 600 Volts Nominal or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy in the Television, Film, Live Performance, and Event Industries in Canada. E1.51 is intended to offer guidance in accordance with existing applicable standards and regulations in Canada on how to select, install, use, and maintain single-conductor portable feeder cables used to supply power for television, film, live performance, and special events in Canada.
Full details and draft standards are available from the PLASA Technical Standards Program website.