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Business News

The Leederville leads the way with MA2

The Leederville is an iconic Perth nightspot with six bars spread across two floors but the most prominent feature of the hotel is the massive outdoor arena, featuring a 5m x 3m LED screen and a full on lighting rig. This is the city’s ultimate night time playground and the atmosphere is always fantastic.

Production manager for the venue is Tim Bowyer, a very tech-savvy and hands on guy who takes great pride in his work. For nearly a decade the venue has been using an aging Compulite console that desperately needed to be retired leaving the way clear for a more capable and modern console.

“The Leederville features a huge beer garden, under a big super-truss system, that can hold up to 2000 people,” explained Tim. “Consequently we have a large lighting rig with forty moving lights which need appropriate control. After a lot of research I decided to go with a MA Lighting console.”

In fact Tim opted for a MA Lighting MA2 ultra-lite console favouring its flexibility particularly the ability to set it out in a variety of ways.

“I like having access to many chases and movements right in front of me without having to change pages etc,” Tim remarked. “The ability to have two external touch screens is great too – or will be once the software is available – as it gives me access to even more movement. As I’m operating live to the music I like to have everything laid out in front of me.

”The majority of the time I’m still using my MA2 in MA1 mode but the great thing about this console is that you can run it as a MA1 with the older software. The latest version of the MA2 software is still missing a couple of features which I use all the time, and that’s why I’m still in MA1 mode. Last month’s software update included a few more things I wanted and was just about all there – basically I‘m on the cusp of using the MA2 software and can’t wait!”

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