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Project News

The Haymarket Hotel awash with Pro Shop and Pulsar LED’s

Situated in Sydney’s China Town, the Haymarket Hotel is a refreshing and opulent venue crafted within a heritage listed building that was once a bank.

The main bar on the ground floor features the original bank teller counter to form the framework for the centre piece bar. A light and airy feel embodies this area with beautifully restored marble paneling and six-metre high leadlight, detailed ceilings offset with simple elegant furniture. Dry bars frame the main bar for those wanting a casual gathering space, whilst gorgeously decadent brass bead drapes and bronze mirror ceilings encase intimate alcove booth seating.

Saltec was commissioned to design and install all audio visual components and the highlight of their installation has to be the massive amount of LED lighting used within the venue including an amazing 520 x Pro Shop LED Strips! The LED strips are artfully located within tracks located inside the ornate cornices from where they very slowly scroll through eight chosen colours. So slowly you can imagine having a few drinks and swearing you came into a green venue not a blue one! Only one colour is used at a time reflecting the classic ambience of the interiors. Rather than clashing with the heritage building, the LED lighting actually brings out the character of the building in a successful case of new technology enhancing something old.

“It’s really designed to create a mood not to be flashy,” said Stephen. “Mark McInnes from Show Technology worked very hard with us on this project and must have been on site at least thirty times during the design phase and installation.”

Seven Pulsar ChromaLights are used to highlight beams across the ceiling as well as columns and are programmed to match the main LED colours. A Pulsar ChromaZone controls the ChromaLights whilst eight LED controllers/drivers with power supplies take care of the LED strips.

Attention to detail is carried outside where two Studio Due ArchiLEDs are used to colour wash the back entrance of the hotel. The front entrance needs nothing else as being glass the colourful venue is like a beacon to passing traffic on busy George Street.

One of the wall panels within the Haymarket Hotel has been turned into moving art by the use of MOODTV projected by an Epson G5350 projector chosen because it can shoot off-centre. Combined with the LED lighting the resulting effect is tasteful and interesting yet not distracting.

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