MADRIX 5 Software has always been available as a demo version for everyone to try out the award-winning pixel mapper at the convenience of their own work machines.
MADRIX 5.1 launched the additional ‘preprogrammer’ software license to facilitate show and project preparation without the need for a full output license.
A new way to fully test MADRIX 5 is now being introduced as an additional resource to support the current workflow needs of operators, lighting designers, VJs, and project companies around the world.
MADRIX 5 professional is an extensive software license, which is available free of charge as a time-limited license that works until June 01, 2020. It is fully functioning within this time frame. The only requirement is to make a small, one-time purchase for a MADRIX KEY from a local dealer. This USB dongle then remains universally usable for the range of MADRIX software products and licenses.
MADRIX 5 professional enables major production value as it unlocks the output for 65,536 DMX channels across its various supported industry output protocols (128 DMX universes, for example) as well as 1,048,576 DVI voxels (a pixel resolution of 1,024 x 1,024, for example).
Please e-mail for more information and we will be happy to help you get started.
To help with training and understanding the Madrix product, they invite you to join these sessions.
Tuesday, 31.03.2020 – 16:00; 2020 March Update – Live From The MADRIX Headquarters;
Wednesday, 01.04.2020 – 16:00, MADRIX RADAR – Live From The MADRIX Headquarters;
Thursday, 02.04.2020 – 16:00, MADRIX Hardware – New Product Announcement – Live From The MADRIX Headquarters;
Friday, 03.04.2020 -16:00, MADRIX 5 – What’s New In The Next 5.3 Software Update;
Australian Distributor: Xenian