From concept to closing, Technical Alliance (TA) support their customers in the creation of a unique and extraordinary moment, shared by their client, their audience and TA’s team.
Technical Alliance aim to be a Global leader in development, facilitation and delivery of the concept, production and support for their clients and their audiences.
Technical Alliance’s core value is to support and grow their team members through industry-first training, support, quality control and professional development, allowing them to develop their creative potential, providing a customer experience without equal, all within a safe and respectful working environment.
This was evident with Technical Alliance’s unique ‘We Are One” exhibit as part of the Vivid Lighting festival held in Sydney. A cultural metaphor mixing colour and perspective, We Are One invited visitors to explore the importance of different points of view. Seen from the side and front, this dual experience of supersize letters rigged in a space cube encourages people to respect Australia’s multicultural roots and future.
The installation was designed by Max Mackenzie, Aaron Eliot and Sean Lenihan, and built by house Technical Alliance using the LightSky F230ii beams. The deceptively simple installation requires extremely precise positioning of lights and mirrors to produce the two words, which is conceptualized using a combination of CAD and VR software,”
By changing their physical standpoint, visitors see not just the cumulative end product but the ‘MANY’ beams, angles and colours needed to achieve the ‘1’ which was all achieved with the powerful F230ii beams. We Are One celebrates both our diversity and our unity in a single interactive shipping container, provoking reflection upon the relationship between the two.
The Lightsky F230 beam was a fantastic fixture for this project with its powerful 230W Osram Lamp providing great beam and colour needed for this unique installation with added significance. The accuracy of the Lightsky beams was vital for Technical Alliance and after every reset they went perfectly back to their positions.