We are not lighting for the human eye any longer. We are using computers to send digital signals to excite millions of electrons to send billions of photons to light a few performers for a horde of other computers that are recording the show for possible future viewing.
We are sending thousands of pounds of gear around the globe so that the concertgoers of the world can view their favorite artists through a window 750 pixels wide by 1,334 pixels tall. These images will be shared farther and wider than any Boomer or Gen X’er could have imagined.
These images will make it around the world before the show is even over. The images will return back to the artists’ dressing room before the last bottle of vodka is emptied. Our artists and their management will make up their collective mind about the quality of the show based, almost exclusively, on these images.
We cannot fight this reality, but I can help you prepare for the inevitable. Here are five ways that you can ensure that your 21st century crowd gets the best experience while viewing the entire production through their smartphone.
Read the full article at: http://plsn.com/articles/ld-at-large/lighting-for-our-phone-friends/