Entertainment Installations has recently purchased sixteen of Show Technology’s Active Sunstrips as an addition to their lighting department.
“These lights seem to be in demand everywhere and Show Technology helped us out by supplying us with some of the real ones – there are a few copies floating about,” commented Neale Mace, managing director of Entertainment Installations.
The Sunstrips consist of ten 75watt Halogen lamps, built-in dimmer and DMX resulting in an interesting fixture like an updated zipstrip.
“We gave them their first outing with six used on some dates with Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet) and Go West this month,” said Neale. “We also used a bunch of them on one of our stages at the Harvest Festival held in Parramatta – they looked awesome.”
Neale notes that after seeing his Sunstrips in action, CH7 purchased ten of them for use on the Sunrise program.

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