When Channel 7 in Sydney recently refurbished their Sunrise set, they also revamped their lighting control set up. Previously they were operating with an old analogue console to run the white light and an MA Lighting MA2 onPC command wing to look after any performance lighting that was required.
“It was clearly time to get rid of the analogue console and now we have two MA2 onPC command wings running side by side,” explained Josh Trenfield, Senior Lighting Director. “The second one can either be used as backup or for programming performance lighting, with the other MA2 onPC controlling the white light. Our new MA2 onPC has two of the new ELO touch screens and we have an extra MA 4Port Node onPC to add to the one we already had.”
Now firmly positioned in the year 2016, Josh reports that his job has been made so much easier.
“We can build the host lighting into the end of a performance with one fader whereas before we used to have to be like an octopus with eight hands pushing up faders everywhere!” he said. “I really like that you can personalize your MA2 onPC. We have a few lighting directors here and we all do everything different. You can make it your own in so many different ways; the way you set up the screens, the way you operate. Everyone can have their own way and the console will look after you in that way.”
Josh is relishing having all the information laid out in front of him accessible at the touch of a screen. With live television situations change constantly and the MA2 onPC meets those demands.
“We have quite a few performances on Sunrise and you can build a performance quite quickly with the MA2 onPC,” commented Josh. “Even with moving lights, it’s so straightforward.”