When Craig Sandstrom, lighting technician at Rooty Hill RSL, first saw the marketing material for the Studio Due CS4, he developed a keen interest in the product.
After hiring two units to try out on a number of shows, the club then decided to invest in the purchase of four units.
Each CS4 unit consists of a bank of four moveable shortcans, each fitted with a 250w ray lamp.
“It is a very impressive fixture which can provide stabs of white through coloured wash stage lighting,” he explained. “Being able to move each can in various pan/tilt modes, as well as controlling movement and intensity using our consoles on board effects engine can create some really nice effects.
“Furthermore, you can add colour filters to the CS4’s, as they have a gel frame which can be unscrewed, adding another dimension to their potential usage – mind you, the basic tungsten white is a classic look in itself.”
The CS4 moving fixtures are primarily used in the club’s Tivoli Showroom, a 630 seat auditorium highly regarded over many years for hosting live entertainment and providing quality production facilities.
Pictured are the four CS4’s in use at Rooty Hill RSL during a recent Doc Neeson’s Angels concert where two of the units were stood vertically on base plates towards the front/side of stage, whilst another two units were hung horizontally and low from some global trussing, rear of stage.
“Funnily enough, we left them up one weekend after a high-energy rock show”, said Craig. “The show the following night featured an internationally recognised Irish singer, who brought her own sound and lighting crew with her. When her lighting designer saw the CS4’s, he was keen to use them.
“Even though it wasn’t a rock gig, he used them very effectively in a lattice- type formation at the rear of the stage. It looked really nice as a permanent static crossing of lights behind the artists. I wouldn’t have imagined that the CS4’s would work in that situation, but they did.”
Craig has found that many visiting lighting crew are impressed by the CS4’s, and the fact that Rooty Hill RSL has had the forethought to add some to their inventory.

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