SPL of Germany has announced the MK2 edition of its MTC monitor controller.
The original SPL MTC has been updated with new features such as advanced source and speaker selection, multiple monitoring modes, an integrated talkback system, headphone amplifiers with Phonitor Matrix, an additional input for a dedicated artist mix and an internal audio operating voltage of +/-18 volts.
One of the key updates is the unit’s ability to accommodate mixing on headphones—an increasingly common necessity for engineers, and one facilitated by the MTC’s new Phonitor Matrix feature. Mixing on headphones typically can result in an unnaturally wide stereo stage with sound sources not played back at their correct position in the stereo field; this is due to the lack of ambient sound of a left speaker winding up in your right ear and vis-versa. According to SPL of Germany, the MTC’s Phonitor Matrix can correct this false stereo image with its analog circuitry.
The SPL MTC MK2 features four stereo inputs (3 balanced, and 1 RCA); three pairs of outputs for stereo speakers and a mono output for a subwoofer; a pair of audiophile headphone amplifiers with individual volume control; Phonitor Matrix headphone controls; the integrated talkback system; a cue mix input for artist monitor mix; three monitoring modes (phase inversion, mono, M/S, and LR Swap); and more.
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