Six standards are available for public review. Five of the six have comment deadlines on Sept. 25, 2017, The deadline for one of the six is a week later, Oct. 2. People materially affected by these standards are invited to review them and to comment on them, saying they are acceptable as they are or are in need of changes.
To view the six standards, go to the ESTA website at
BSR E1.9, Entertainment Technology – Reporting Photometric Performance Data for Luminaires Used in Entertainment Lighting
This standard defines the minimum data to be presented on documents purporting to accurately describe the photometric performance of stage and studio luminaires used in the live entertainment and performance industries. This is a proposed reaffirmation of the standard first published in 2007. The closing date is 25 September 2017.
BSR E1.6-2, Design, Inspection, and Maintenance of Electric Chain Hoists for the Entertainment Industry
This standard covers the design, inspection, and maintenance of serially manufactured electric link chain hoists having capacity of 2 tons or less and used in the entertainment industry. This standard does not cover attachment to the load or to the overhead structure. Controls used for multiple hoist operation are excluded from the scope of this standard. This is a proposed revision of the existing E1.6-2 standard. Comments are due 25 September.
BSR E1.14, Entertainment Technology – Recommendations for Inclusions in Fog Equipment Manuals
The standard applies to the instruction manuals for fog-making equipment manufactured for use in the entertainment industry. Fog users must have some general knowledge of the technology, have a clear understanding of how to operate the fog system, and be aware of the potential hazards related to the use of fog, and fog systems. This standard establishes guidelines for manufacturers to provide to the user the necessary information required for the safe and responsible use of fog equipment. This is a proposed revision of the existing E1.14. Comments are due by 25 September.
BSR E1.25, Recommended Basic Conditions for Measuring the Photometric Output of Stage and Studio Luminaires by Measuring Illumination Levels Produced on a Planar Surface
E1.25 describes the basic conditions for measuring the photometric output of stage and studio luminaries by a variety of testing methods that measure the illumination levels produced by the luminaires on a planar surface. The conditions are intended to be reasonably achievable for a person doing measurements on a stage, in a studio, or in a rental shop. This is a proposed reaffirmation of E1.25, which was last revised in 2012. Comments are due 25 September.
BSR E1.36, Model Procedure for Permitting the Use of Tungsten-Halogen Incandescent Lamps and Stage and Studio Luminaires in Vendor Exhibit Booths in Convention and Trade Show Exhibition Halls
E1.36 is a model set of procedures that can be used by convention center and trade show exhibition hall staff to mitigate the risks perceived to be associated with the use of tungsten-halogen lamps and stage and studio luminaires in convention centers and trade show exhibition halls and to allow their use in a safe manner. This is a proposed revision of the standard first published in 2007. Comments are due 25 September.
BSR E1.31, Entertainment TechnologyāLightweight streaming protocol for transport of DMX512 using ACN
E1.31, often called sACN, provides a very simple protocol that offers functionality comparable to proprietary DMX512 over Ethernet protocols while being compatible with the ANSI E1.17 suite of protocols. The standard is being revised, limited to the addition of IPv6 compatibility and the correction of errors. Input on additional features is not being sought at this time. Comments are due 2 October.