On April 26th 2014, Armidale Showground in NSW hosted the first Sunset Music Festival. Billed as a celebration of dance music, Sunset Music Festival was the first of its kind in northern NSW and an opportunity for locals to experience EDM (electronic dance music) in their very own backyards.
The festival featured over 15 of Australia’s best music acts including the likes of Aria chart smashing DJ’s, The Potbelleez, Bombs Away, Kronic, Tigerlilly, The Only and many more.
The crew at Showtime Productions (Sydney) were carefully nominated as the production crew of choice promising a show like no other. With high expectations Showtime decided to unleash one of their secret weapons by teaming up with Group Technologies to showcase the brand new Nexo STM PA System, deployed to really give the festival punters an experience like no other.
Staging included the new Eurotruss Hd34 Tunnel Roof with 27 x 3 mtr HD34 32 x 2.5 mtr hd 34,
28 x HD 34 Tunnel Roof Blocks and 24 x Nivtyec staging platforms. The lighting rig included 16 x Chauvet Nexus Panels, 16 x Clay Paky Sharpy, 4 x Martin MAC700 Wash, 16 x Martin MAC101’s, 2 x Unique Hazers and a Martin M1 console.