Phenomenon Event Services has earned a reputation in Perth for excellence and service in the events industry. In order to deliver such a premium service they need to have quality and reliable equipment and so it’s no surprise to see them adding more ShowLED Chameleon RGB LED starcloths system to their inventory.
Unlike their existing single colour starcloth, Phenomenon’s four new ShowLED Chameleon starcloths, which measure 4m x 6m each, can supply any given colour. In addition, by following the menu structure on the LCD display, the controller can be programmed at a glance to deliver colour changes, twinkling effects, and chases.
“The ShowLED Chameleon RGB LED starcloths really deliver value for money and we’ve found them to be very reliable,” commented Paul Cumming, director. “They come in a handy transport road case and are straight forward to install with the instructions easy to follow. Control is simple too and they are very sturdy.”
The starcloths can also be controlled from a lighting desk. ShowLED Chameleon provides 8 DMX output channels with a maximum of 512 LEDs per controller. Given the standard density of around 5.5 high output LEDs per sqm (randomly placed), one controller can run a starcloth of up to 100 sqm. More controllers can easily be linked in master-slave configurations so that more panels act as one big curtain.
“The after sales service from Show Technology has been excellent!” added Paul. “They always give friendly and personable customer service.”

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