The 2008 Show Technology Gala Partner dinner was recently held at the sumptuous Doltone House function centre and restaurant in Pyrmont. Nestled on the upper deck of the historic Finger Wharf at the newly restored Jones Bay Wharf, Doltone House is situated in a priceless location on the foreshores of Sydney Harbour, with views of the Harbour Bridge, city skyline, and Darling Harbour precinct.
Show Technology guests from all over Australia and indeed the world, mingled prior to the dinner on the venues deck as the sun set over the Harbour Bridge. And in case anyone had trouble finding the venue, the Robert Juliat spotlights heralded the spot so that even the most myopic taxi driver couldn’t go wrong!
Inside the loft design incorporates existing timber beams and a blend of heritage and contemporary features. A plethora of Show Technology products lit up and enhanced the venue in style with a fabulous lighting design by Paul Collison, assisted in the production stakes by Philby Lewis who acted as Production Manager for the event.
The main stage incorporated the Martin LC Panels, TW1’s, the new Krytpon 575, MAC700’s as well as an array of Pro Shop Led Products including the new Impression from Germany, LED Blinders and MUltiPAR375’s. The tables were further enhanced by the new SmartMAC, which impressed the crowd with its brightness, wide angle and smooth performance. Naturally control was via the industry standard grandMA console while visual media was controlled via Arkaos.
”With a list of gear this big you would think the dinner was being held in a room four times the size!” remarked Paul Collison. “The trick was to try and make it not look like a demo room. Show Tech was keen to display their product line but not be over the top. Whilst for a dinner it was most certainly over the top I believe there was enough restraint allowing us to present a picture with some soft colour changes and slight movement for variation. Each product line worked its area well. The LC Panels had a huge presence in the room by their sheer size. The Impression LED heads were a talking point as they lit the roof and provided the biggest majority of ambient light in the room. The Smart MAC’s were fantastic. For their first outing in Australia they were quiet, reliable and bright. They spent the night at 30% which for a 150w lamp is incredible. Their crisp beam and optics might be a sign of things to come from Martin.
”The crew from Lots of Watts and Chameleon worked flawlessly together to help make this event a huge success. Philby Lewis was crucial in the co-ordination of the production and Super Vince was there to help as well.”
What started out as a dinner for 120 people soon blew out to 170 thanks to Emmanuel Ziino’s Italian way of the ever growing list. But somehow the venue staff managed to accommodate everyone serving up a dinner to die for.
International guests of honour included Mr Soren Storm from Martin Professional Denmark, Mr Lionel Garraud from Robert Juliat France and Menze van der Sluis from ProLyte in Holland.
Emmanuel delivered a speech thanking all for their support, loyalty and understanding throughout the recent years before indulging in a little ‘backslapping’ by presenting a myriad of awards. In an industry first, he turned the tables by awarding an accolade to a supplier – Martin Professional.
”Usually Martin awards its’ distributors but we’ve decided to award them!” he commented. “Martin has been our partner for more than fifteen years and together we have made it the number one brand in this country. They have supported us, as we have them, through thick and thin.”
The award was accepted by Soren Storm who was recognized in himself for his unrivaled dedication to the brand and Emmanuel affectionately referred to him as an extension of the Show Technology team.
The awards handed out by Emmanuel and the lovely Gina Ziino are as follows:
Regional Lighting Production: Entertainment Installations.
Creative Lighting Installations: Avsound Productions
Major Lighting Installation Recognition: QPAC Dimmer Installation
Achievements in TV Lighting Design: Rohan Thornton
Lighting for Houses of Worship: Forefront Productions.
TV Set Lighting: Mark Dyson, Pitch Design
Hotel Ballroom Lighting: Staging Connections
Achievements in TV Lighting Design: Francesco Calvi
New Technology Lighting Company: Chameleon Touring Systems
Achievements in Lighting Design: Paul Collison
Achievements in Lighting Design: Mark Hammer
Innovative Lighting Production: Resolution X
Achievements in Theatre Lighting Design: Richard Pacholski
Innovative Lighting Production: LUX Entertainment
Professional Lighting Supply: Lots of Watts
Creative Lighting Installations: Lightmoves
Emmanuel concluded his speech with a heart-felt thanks to his ‘tremendous team’ at Show Technology, a team that together, makes the company function on a daily basis.
The night carried on with much merry making and dancing to the fabulous sounds of Xpresso Band headed by well know M.I. industry personality Nick Bava of Bavas Music fame.
Show Technology would like to thank Lots of Watts, Music Box, Staging Connections and Chameleon for helping stage the event.

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