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Production News

Selecon Lui Cycs create a-MAZE-ing effects

Strategically situated at the busy junction outside Raffles City, the Festival Maze temporarily added new dimension and depth to the Singapore cityscape as just one of 450 free arts performances and events that made up the 31st annual Singapore Arts Festival (SAF) 2008.

Commissioned by the SAF the Festival Mazeart installation, disSPACEments was conceived and designed by local designer Chia Yu Hsien as a way of exploring the spatial articulation of moments along a journey. Each day from the 9th May – 22nd June, 2008 the public were invited to wander through this maze of twenty-five towers losing themselves in photographic memories and three dimensional forms.

Kamal Thapa of Phat-EventZ comments on the art of lighting this unique installation, “I decided to use 2 Selecon Lui Cycs to light up each of the twenty-five Maze towers with a blue gel in the top one and an amber gel in the bottom one, with some scenes utilizing both to give me a third colour for variation. The Luis were the perfect choice of light for this project due to the angle of coverage as well as the fact that it did not burn out the colour gels like Cyc Floods from some other brands. One other major factor in the choice of the Selecon Lui Cycs was the thin rubber tubes which wrapped around the Maze towers could not be exposed to extreme heat. These luminaires definitely performed to my expectations!”

Photo courtesy of Phat-EventZ.

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