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Business News

Scene Change Crew Opts for Jands Vista I3

Scene Change, an AV company that specializes in conferences and events, was in the market for a new lighting control console. Company director Vicken Hekimian opted for a Jands Vista I3 over another brand, in part because his crew, many of whom were trained on Hog consoles, felt more familiar with the Jands console.

“The crew chose the Jands Vista I3,” Hekimian noted. “I don’t like to dictate to the crew what to use, as they’re the ones who have to use the gear. I like them to have ā€˜ownership’ of the gear, and thus treat it as their own; consequently, we involve them in the purchasing decisions.

“The Jands Vista I3 has all the functionality we need,” he added. “The drag and drop functionality of the programming window – the realtime programming feature – is great. We really like the simplicity of arranging fixtures in the patching windows. All your DMX and fixture information is easily reviewed and updated.

“The Jands Vista I3 provides us with versatility by having the touch screen or LCD attached and the crew love its simplicity of operation and ease of use. Plus Jands has been a terrific supplier and have really looked after us in terms of price and service,” Hekimian added.

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