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Employment News

Applications are now open for the 2012 Rory Dempster Internship

Belvoir St Theatre is seeking applications for the 2012 Rory Dempster annual internship for young Lighting Designers.

The recipient will be given a stipend to work in secondment with a leading lighting designer for one production in the 2012 seasons of either Belvoir, Opera Australia or Sydney Theatre Company.

Rory Dempster, who passed away in 2004, was a distinguished Lighting Designer working extensively in Australia and internationally, with a career spanning more than 30 years. This annual internship for young and emerging lighting designers has been set up by Belvoir, Sydney Theatre Company and Opera Australia in memory of Rory’s passion, skill and expertise.

The 2011 recipient was Katie Sfetkidis who worked with Helpmann Award-winning Lighting Designer Nick Schlieper on Chunky Move’s Assembly.

Download the application pack here: Rory Dempster 2012 application pack (94 KB)

Applications addressing the selection criteria and including a resume, and the names and daytime contacts of two referees should be emailed to:
Maeve O’Donnell

Applications close 5pm Friday 16th December 2011.

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