With under a week to go until we celebrate the unsung heroes of every music event you’ve ever been to, CrewCare are pleased to announce the special guest performers at each of the Roady4Roadies events around the country on Sunday, 11 April 2021 (Townsville Friday 23 April).
Roady4Roadies is a day for crew, and the musicians who work with them, to reconnect with their colleagues, friends and family, providing each other with the support of their peers and acknowledging their resilience throughout such trying times.
Roady4Roadies 2021 will be held in 10 major cities across the country on Sunday 11 April 2021 with special guest performances from a huge array of talent including Roady4Roadies Ambassador Missy Higgins and Mark Seymour in Melbourne, Ben Ransom, John Kennedy’s 68 Comeback Special and Mark Callaghan + Buzz Bidstrup (GANGgajang) in Sydney, Spy V Spy in Newcastle, Monique Brumby and Brian Ritchie Trio in Hobart, Eric Weideman (1927) in Perth, Pigsy and Uncle Gilbert in Adelaide, Bec Lavelle and Hussy Hicks in Brisbane, Lillye with Virginia Lillye and Welter on the NSW Central Coast, Serina Pech, Caiti Baker and DJ Kuya James in Darwin and many more. The Godfathers of Funk will be appearing at the Townsville event on 23 April.
Organisers are thrilled to announce that Chugg Entertainment, Frontier Touring, Live Nation Asia-Pacific and TEG Dainty have banded together to shower their respect on those men and women behind the scenes who put the show on by donating tickets to the event for any crew member, and their family, who has found themselves unable to purchase tickets for any reason. Any crew member who would like to attend should register @ www.roady4roadies.com/tickets.
Please note: These tickets are strictly limited to those who are genuinely unable to afford the cost of entry and made available on an honour basis. T-shirts and Face Masks for these tickets are subject to availability. Roady4Roadies is a fundraising event for industry charity Support Act.
Live Nation Asia-Pacific President, Roger Field, said “We couldn’t do what we do, and artists and fans wouldn’t have great experiences together, without the invaluable team behind the scenes who just get the job done. In the toughest time for our industry, Roady4Roadies is playing a critical role in connecting with and checking-in on crew.”
Industry stalwart Michael Chugg from Chugg Entertainment said, “In these hard times its important we support the 1000’s of crew that make it happen for us while they are going through very, very hard times. Roady4Roadies is an amazing event, make sure you get there.”
The day commences with the Roady4Roadies Walk (a leisurely 3-4kms) culminating in a variety of family activities and performances at well known entertainment precincts. All walk participants receive a free t-shirt and face mask, with sunscreen and bottled water available along the route.
The aim of Roady4Roadies is to bring public awareness to the diverse range of highly technical and creative skills required to make our dreams come true and raise desperately needed funds to help those in crisis.
Tickets for all Roady4Roadies events are $30 plus BF (includes t-shirt and face mask) and are on sale NOW @ roady4roadies.com/events.
Virtual Tickets are also available for those unable to attend on the day who wish to support the events by making a donation that will directly assist crew in crisis. Visit: moshtix.com.au/v2/event/roady4roadies-donations/126145