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RJ Topaze follow spots for Wyndham Cultural Centre

Victoria’s Wyndham Cultural Centre has just celebrated its tenth anniversary by purchasing a special birthday present for itself in the form of two Robert Juliat Topaze follow spots!

The $5 million state-of-the-art centre houses the Tattersall’s Theatre, two exhibition galleries, the CBD library, Visitor Information Centre and a cafe.

Bob O’Mahony, Theatre Operations Supervisor, realized it was time to retire their Selecon Performer follow spots and research led him to the Robert Juliat range.

“We got some Robert Juliat follow spots in for a trial and I was most impressed by their weight, output and size,” he said. “They are also much easier to handle which is particularly good for us as we use a lot of students to operate out follow spots. The Selecon Performers were big and unwieldy whereas the Topaze follow spots are nice little units that are easy to physically maneuver.”

Bob and his crew have been delighted by the sensational light output offered by the Topaze follow spots as well as their amazing optics.

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