BSR E1.21 – 201x, Entertainment Technology ā Temporary Ground-Supported Structures Used to Cover the Stage Areas and Support Equipment in the Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events
ANSI E1.21 is being revised to cover the design, manufacture, and use of all the portable structures (not only roofs) used to support scenery, lighting, and sound equipment, and to cover the stages in the production of outdoor entertainment events. Excluded are structures for the public, such as audience bleachers and food vendor stands.
Review period ends ā October 9, 2012
BSR E1.39 – 201x, Entertainment Technology ā Selection and Use of Personal Fall Arrest Systems on Portable Structures Used in the Entertainment Industry
This standard establishes minimum requirements for the selection and use of personal fall arrest systems on portable structures in the entertainment industry. It also establishes minimum requirements for manufacturers and owners of these structures being used as work platforms. The purpose of the document is to provide employers and workers methods for protecting workers in the entertainment industry that meet or exceed current standards for industrial fall protection
Review period ends ā October 9, 2012
Full details including draft standards and comments forms from the Technical Standards Program page

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