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Review: Yamaha Stagepas 200 Portable PA system

By Pablo Francois

Out of all of the brands currently inhabiting the broader loudspeaker market, few have a CV as diverse and balanced as Yamaha’s.

From their historical dominance in home theatre and hi-fi, through to their highly respected Public Address systems (the brand’s Sound Reinforcement Handbook is still considered the bible on all things FOH) and of course, their recent successes in installed products and commercial systems, the brand has always enjoyed a stellar reputation in the professional space, irrespective of whichever branch of the Audio tree they are inhabiting.

Rest assured, if it has drivers and involves a power amp of any kind, the sight of a Yamaha logo (three intersecting tuning forks to denote the brand’s commitment to music) comes as a welcome sigh of relief. They are the benchmark for utilitarian and unpretentious excellence in the field.

It’s this same spirit that inhabits the new Stagepas 200, the latest in Yamaha’s flagship Stagepas range of portable PAs.

Read the full review at Mixdown Mag

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