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Review: The Latest Powersoft Unica Series

By Ben Jones

Dubbed the “cloud-based amplifier platform,” the new Unica Series aims to continue Powersoft’s legacy of great sound while adding new features for ease of deployment and remote monitoring. There are many models to choose from in four and eight-channel variants, with a stated power range of 1,000 watts to 16,000 watts, all housed in a single rack unit.

Each channel can drive low-z and high-z loudspeakers, and all models are capable of asymmetrical loading. This means each channel can provide up to twice the channel’s rated wattage when other channels are not utilizing their full power. And, all are equipped with three network ports, configurable for redundant AoIP using Dante or AES67, and a separate control network.

Aside from the impressive density and power available, there’s also been work done on the efficiency of the power supply. The proprietary Smart Rails Management (SRM) allows the power supply rail voltage to change in real time to match the required output voltage. This has many benefits. When idle, the amplifier will regulate down to draw less power, but when needed will ramp back up and provide the full wattage required.

It also reduces the audible noise floor and helps to reduce undesired RF radiation. Combining this reduction of heat generation with an improved heatsink design means the cooling system is also quieter.

Read the full review at
Australian Distributor: PAVT

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