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Review: Shure Nexadyne 8/C and 8/S

By Simon Allen

Shure is undoubtedly the first name in dynamic vocal microphones and doesn’t really need any introduction. Founded in 1925 as the Shure Radio Company, it has a legacy of innovations in transducer technology. Notably, in 1939 the company designed the first single-capsule unidirectional microphone element, called the Unidyne Model 55. The industry standard SM58 microphone was released in 1966: it harbours a later variant of the Model 55 element, called the Unidyne III. Innovations continued, and in 2016 the KSM8 was released with a breakthrough Dualdyne element design, which was the first dual-diaphragm dynamic microphone. Building on these tremendous success stories, it’s clear to see where these new models have derived their name. Therefore, are the Nexadyne microphones set to be the new SM58? I took one of each on the road to find out . . .

Read the full review in Lighting & Sound International magazine
Australian Distributor: Jands

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