Earlier this year, we looked at a Robe spot that uses additive LED colour mixing, but that doesn’t mean Robe has abandoned fixtures using white light engines. Quite the contrary – it seems the Czech manufacturer has been working on its own white light LED light engines rather than using the off-the-shelf solutions from Appotronics and others that it, and many of its competitors, have been using.
It’s an interesting evolution. Back in the dim, distant days of incandescent and HID lamps, it was normal for all manufacturers to use the same, or very similar, lamps. However, when we first moved to LED sources, those standard lamps were no longer available, so everyone had to make their own using bare LED emitters. Next, complete light engines started to appear as a product you could buy, and the industry has followed that trend for a while. That inevitably led to a lot of products being very similar, perhaps too much so. Now, in a quest for product differentiation, manufacturers are returning to the custom light engine model. I am sure we’ll see a lot of custom LED based light engines in these reviews over the coming year.
Read the full review at: https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=9e2f3454-1627-4731-b8bb-175d9f989b6a
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