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Review: Robe BMFL

By Nook Schoenfeld

I just spent two straight hours playing with this remarkable new fixture from Robe, the fine Czech Republic manufacturer of quality lighting fixtures. The latest in their series of hard-edged spot fixtures is cleverly called the BMFL, which stands for Bright Multi-Functional Luminaire. This fixture is so unique in the way that it projects textures that it took me all that time just to glance at all the amazing designer macros in this fixture and the fact that I’m playing with a whole new beast of a light here, not another clone of a typical spot fixture. This fixture has every bell and whistle of all the other spot fixtures I have used, rolled into one.

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Australian Distributor: ULA Group

I just spent two straight hours playing with this remarkable new fixture from Robe, the fine Czech Republic manufacturer of quality lighting fixtures. The latest in their series of hard-edged spot fixtures is cleverly called the BMFL, which stands for Bright Multi-Functional Luminaire. This fixture is so unique in the way that it projects textures that it took me all that time just to glance at all the amazing designer macros in this fixture and the fact that I’m playing with a whole new beast of a light here, not another clone of a typical spot fixture. This fixture has every bell and whistle of all the other spot fixtures I have used, rolled into one.

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