Radial Engineering’s EXTC Stereo Reamp is the latest model in the company’s EXTC (“ex-tee-cee”) line of reamping devices. Previously introduced models include the EXTC SA, a mono unit with two switchable effects loops, and the EXTC 500 Series. The new unit gives users the capability to reamp their DAW tracks with stereo effects pedals, mono effects pedals or even two amplifiers.
Like all of Radial’s pedals, the orange-and-black EXTC Stereo Reamp is built like a tank. I know to expect that from Radial products, but it still impresses me every time I get my hands on one. At 5.84 x 4.81 x 1.98 inches, the unit is similar in size to a large stompbox and the same size as the EXTC SA. It comes with a 15 VDC power adapter and features a power status LED on the lower left of the front panel. There’s no on/off switch.
Read the full review at Mix Magazine
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