Our collective taste for novelty is the great driving force of the entirety of the production industry. The musician’s craft is built around innovation of sound; rhythm and harmony made modern to tantalize our auditory tastes with The New. Filmmakers tell tales as old as time with fresh perspectives. And we, as purveyors of visual experiences, strive to captivate our audiences with that which they have never seen, and to do that, we need originality in lighting technology.
Years ago, industry engineers tried to create the ultimate so-called “digital light,” a fixture that would produce the lumen output of a conventional 1200-watt arc-source moving light with the versatility of a digital projector, an idea that been tried before but with limited success. Success would continue to prove elusive for this product, because, as it turns out, putting powerful digital projectors into moving heads and having them work the way you want is quite difficult. Lackluster performance aside, however, this idea remains as compelling as ever.
Read the full review at: http://plsn.com/articles/road-tests/martin-mac-allure-profile/
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