The search for the perfect strobe light to replace the original Atomic model has been endless. Over the last three years, every lighting manufacturer has released their version of what they think the designers wanted. All LED models, it seems, as nobody wants to deal with the old tube style strobe, their power draw or the fact that they could thermal out after a few seconds. They built all white models, colored models, models with chasing quadrants.
But to this designer’s eye, they were all missing something. Mostly it was the attack and decay one gets from the old xenon strobe. A good programmer can usually emulate it with clever timing on cues, but there had to be an easier way.
Strobes were originally used as an effects type fixture. You would aim them at a performer and adjust the rate until the artist looked like they were moving in slow motion via an old 8mm black and white movie. But along came rock shows, and designers preferred to burn the retinas of the attendees. So what did all the LD’s do? They pointed their strobes out at the audience to get the maximum effect out of the fixtures while blinding them into a trance. That made it impossible to point the same fixtures at the band to get the other desired effect. Thank goodness GLP has put an end to all of this. May I present to you the best strobe I have ever seen — the JDC1 Strobe from German Light Products (GLP).
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