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Review: Claypaky Skylos

By Kevin Lawson

I was trying to remember the first time I saw a SkyTracker. I remember seeing them as a kid from miles away. I asked my Mom where those lights were coming from, what was going on over there? She didn’t know but said it was probably “something important.”

Many years later, I was at a gig and saw one of the four-light SkyTrackers in person, and it was awesome! Ridiculously bright Xenon beams slowly moving across the sky. It also was strapped to a flatbed truck and attached to its own diesel generator. Four 4Kw beams in the sky was heavy and hungry for power! Fast forward a couple of decades. I’m standing outside with a bunch of CCM students watching the Claypaky Skylos shoot a beam of light into space, and then focus a tight beam on a parking structure a city block away—powered by an extension cord from a wall outlet.

Read the full review at PLSN Magazine
Australian Distributor: Show Technology

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