The standard moving light product—if there is such a thing—has become a hybrid profile spot fixture with a white light LED engine and dichroic colour mixing. Every manufacturer has its version and, it has to be said, they can all be very similar—particularly as many manufacturers’ products use a light engine from the same manufacturer, Appotronics, or a close clone. This isn’t altogether a new situation; back when we were using MSR discharge lamps (remember those days?), everyone used the same lamp. The difference now is that an LED light engine is more than just a lamp; a light engine defines a light exit size and includes all the primary optics, so the options for customization are more limited. This means that as well as manufacturers sharing a lamp type, they also share aperture size, focal length, and a slew of other optical characteristics that make product differentiation extremely difficult.
This month, we are looking at a product that tries, albeit in a small way, to break out of that mould: the Chauvet Professional Maverick Silens 2 Profile.
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