Ayrton has released its latest luminaire, the Eurus — the newest member of their Classical 5 Series. The new fixture is also hailed as their first multi-function profile under the new Slim-21 program that is dedicated to miniaturizing fixtures and reducing weight. That doesn’t mean this fixture is short on features by any means, they’ve just compacted them into a medium-sized fixture instead of the large scale 100-plus-pound heavyweights in the lighting industry.
Like its predecessor in the 5 Series, the Ghibli, this fixture offers all the attributes a designer could ask for, but they have increased the zoom ratio, colour wheel slots, and intensity along the way. They offer this unit in the Eurus S-series or the TC version. The S-Series offers up 32,000 lumens of output with a 650W ultra-compact monochromatic LED emitter light engine delivering a 6700K colour temperature beam and a CRI greater than 70. The Eurus TC, on the other hand, offers a high CRI — greater than 90 — but fewer lumens of output at 22,000 with a 6K colour temp. For this road test we are looking at the S-Series.
Read the full review at PLSN
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