Surprisingly enough, this is the first review of a Claypaky LED profile spot that I’ve written. I’ve looked at many other Claypaky units over the years, including the laser LED-based Xtylos (see LSi October 2020), but never an LED profile. As we all know, the ‘white LED with dichroic colour mixing’ profile has become the industry standard product over the last few years. I stick by my guns when I say that I believe they will eventually be replaced by full additive colour mixing units, but it hasn’t happened yet, and my prediction is starting to look rather old!
The unit in the spotlight this month is the Claypaky Arolla Profile MP. Claypaky is part of the Osram group (Osram, in turn, is now owned by Austria Micro Systems, or AMS, in a deal that was finally fully ratified in March this year) and the Arolla was designed at the Claypaky facility in Bergamo with manufacturing outsourced to China. Claypaky calls the Arolla Profile MP an evolutionary product, based on the Axcor range with updated LED technology, and in the smallest and lightest package the company could produce.
Read the full review in Lighting & Sound International
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