Let us consider the state of the world of entertainment lighting as it pertains to arc lamps, for the change from even just a decade ago has been remarkable. We live with competing modalities of generating the raw lumens for our effects — arc and LED, and not much in between, and of great interest currently is the eventual phasing out of these tiny bottles of lightning in favour of their solid-state brethren. This is all well and good. It must be said, however, that the arc lamp has matured… somewhat. Being threatened with obsolescence must be terribly clarifying, because when manufacturers first started releasing LED fixtures bright enough to matter, we quickly got entertainment arc lamps that were many times more efficacious than their predecessors, lasted longer, and had improved colour stability throughout their lives. Short-arc arc lamps still excel in certain types of lighting work, like in the fixture we shall examine today: the Vizi Beam 12RX from ADJ.
Read the full article at PLSN https://plsn.com/articles/road-tests/adj-vizi-beam-12rx/
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