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Production News

ResXS – ResX re-lights INXS

Last Sunday saw much of Australia’s TV audience tune in for the first of a two part miniseries INXS: Never Tear Us Apart, billed as the untold story of the Australian rock legends. ResX was approached by the producers to recreate the lighting rigs from three INXS Live Shows in the Sidney Myer Music Bowl, most notably their 1991 Wembley Stadium performance.

Mark Hopkins production managed and designed the rig for Resolution X and despite meeting some challenges to create three different rigs on the one stage over two days, he managed to pull the team together and produce realistic recreations of the shows. Mark did have one ace up his sleeve in the form of Nikki Koumos who had toured with INXS in their early days and still had copies of their plots to work off, this allowed a very close recreation of the rig and looks.

Lighting technologies have come a long way since INXS was the biggest selling band in the world and the design utilised these new technologies cleverly disguised to look like the original gear. ResX also dusted off PAR 64 ACLs for those unmistakable rockin’ beams.

Credit should also go to Lachie Sinclair who operated a Grand MA Classic full-size and Alister Blaney who was System Tech for the shoot.

The concluding chapter of the Miniseries airs this Sunday at 8:30 on Channel 7.

Other Equipment used:

Grand MA Classic Full size
Robert Juliat Super Korrigan Followspots
Selecon Pacific Profiles
Martin MAC 700 Profiles
Tri-Colour LED PARs
Robe 400ft Hazers
Browns Precision Welding 400mm Box truss

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