Martin MAC 101’s are the latest addition to the ResX inventory in answer to the ever demanding requirements of LED moving heads. At only 4.54kg this little package packs a punch, 2000 lumens at 13.5 degree beam angle, and the fastest Martin pan and tilt ever! Only requiring 125 watts of power this energy saving gem has full RGB, dimmer and strobe with colour wheel effects providing a full spectrum of opportunity.
This versatile and effective unit can wash, highlight and provide dynamic effect with movement beam and colour, at any concert, exhibition or event in small or large quantity. At such a small size, this fitting enters the realm of pixel mapping as light and video merge.
Photograph shows ResX’s new MAC 101’s on the Miss Chinese pageant 2012 designed by Jamie Russell.
Contact Resolution X for a hire price or demo of the MAC 101. (03) 9701 2411

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