Nine organisations involved in the commercial and entertainment technology industry met in Sydney on 26 June 2012 at the invitation of ACETA to discuss the crowded trade event calendar and explore if there is sufficient common ground to address a problem that is challenging both exhibitors and delegates.
Representatives from the following organisations participated:
Australian Audio and AV Show
Australian Commercial and Entertainment Technologies Association
Australian Music Association
CX Roadshow
Diversified (for Integrate)
Expertise Events (for SMPTE)
Apologies were received from CEDIA, InfoComm and ALIA (Andy was overseas), which will receive the minutes and are invited to continue to participate in discussions.
Discussions were extensive, constructive and conducted with goodwill on all sides, much common ground was identified and a further meeting has been organised for 13 November 2012 to progress discussions further. It was clear that all stakeholders appreciate that a successful trade show has to listen to its industry.
The final outcomes were:
• ETF (for ENTECH), SMPTE/Expertise Events and Diversified (for Integrate) advised they appreciate the issue and are all committed to talk about it amongst themselves with a view to finding a solution that works for everyone.
• ETF advised there may be capacity at ENTECH 2013 in Hall 6 at Darling Harbor for a show to co-locate with ENTECH, which is itself co-located with SMPTE. Hall 6 is the smallest of the Darling Harbor halls, but still a reasonable size. This would bring three shows under one roof.
• The AMA committed to continue to listen and explore options but in principle are interested in the idea of Australian Entertainment Technology Week®, especially if live performance and appearances can be included.
• Australian Hi Fi and AV Show said they are interested in the idea of the festival week and would co-locate in the area, if a suitable hotel for their show’s format can be found.
• ACETA is not wedded to the concept in the white paper, which was a discussion document. If stakeholders create another idea which successfully addresses the issue then that would be considered an excellent outcome.
• Another meeting will be held on 13 November 2012 to progress discussions, with a view to talking about 2014 and beyond (recognising that ETF has also offered an option for co-location of a third show at Darling Harbor in 2013).
Diversified added the caveat that they were unable to further discuss a position until they have run Integrate for the first time and reviewed the survey results from attendees, hence the setting of the next meeting for November.
NOTE: ALIA is meeting with the ACETA conveners of this committee during Entech to discuss our position on trade shows.

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