Tech Corner is the livestream where Radial Engineering’s tech gurus help demystify the world of music technology. For the first stream of 2022, the team will be discussing Radial’s bread and butter — those mysterious boxes known as D.I.s.
Entitled “A Good Day to D.I.,” the live online event (now available as a YouTube replay) covers tips and techniques for using D.I. boxes in a range of recording and live applications, with news and insights about Radial products.
Whether you use direct boxes all the time, or this is the first time you’ve heard the term, the world of D.I.s can be confusing. There are a huge amount of different types out there (Radial sell over 40 models). Active or Passive? Mono or Stereo? What kind of inputs/outputs? How will they affect my tone? The Tech team provides answers to these and other topics, so viewers will walk away with a better idea of how to make D.Is work for their needs, and help them pick the right D.I. for any situation.
To catch a replay of the presentation, go to: (and fast forward to the 2-minute mark to bypass the countdown!)
Australian Distributor: Amber Technology