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Employment News

Production Manager

Reporting to: Artistic Director

Reports: Stage Management team, Wardrobe, Wigs & Makeup, technical crew

The primary purpose of this position is to manage the safe, efficient, and timely delivery of all production and technical elements of State Opera events. Events may include mainstage productions, workshop or development presentations, touring, education, and special event projects. The Production Manager is expected to deliver on the artistic vision within the agreed budget and parameters set by management; and manages a small team of primarily casual staff.

Duties include:


* Manage the long-term technical planning and scheduling for State Opera, and oversee the creation of individual project schedules
* Work collaboratively with the Artistic Director and/or director of individual productions to scope and achieve the technical elements of their artistic vision
* Manage the negotiations, booking and contracting of Stage Management, Wardrobe, Wigs and Makeup, and other contracted crew
* Manage the briefing, monitoring, and deliverables of all external suppliers and providers including set design and build; lighting; sound; and / or any other relevant element
* Coordinate all equipment purchases and/or rentals with relevant suppliers
* Work with the relevant venues (if venues supplying technical staff) to ensure the crewing requirements of the opera are fulfilled within the agreed State Opera budget
* Manage the bump in and out of the performance venues and rehearsal rooms
* Organise cartage between countries, cities, rehearsal rooms and venues
* Source and equip any additional rehearsal space as required
* Liaise with the relevant orchestra regarding pit layout, set-up times and other requirements
* Provide venue management with current and accurate information about the production in a timely manner
* Convene and chair production meetings, including circulating minutes and actions as required
* Assist with production elements for all additional events or requirements, including but not limited to education, talks, and fundraising events; as well as proactively attending to minor maintenance requirements within the State Opera office and/or rehearsal studio
* Undertake any other duties upon request of management that may reasonably be considered part of this position’s remit.


* Scope and draft production budgets in collaboration with the Executive Director, Chief Operating Officer, and/or Financial Administrator
* Approve all expenditure and ensure that costs are controlled within the agreed budget for each production
* Proactively monitor and manage hours worked by casual staff to ensure wages remain within budget and overtime is limited
* Monitor and approve timesheets for the staff within your team, and submit to Financial Administrator for timely payroll processing
* Proactively update the budget forecast for each production to ensure commitments and variances are captured in a timely manner
* Ensure that the correct procedure is followed for the processing of invoices, wages and petty cash

Health and Safety

* Take responsibility and practical steps to ensure the safety of all personnel whilst in any rehearsal room, performance space or other relevant space
* Prepare a risk assessment report on all productions for each venue
* Follow the approved incident reporting procedure following any incident or near miss situation, and manage any follow-up appropriately until incident is officially closed.

Staff management

* Display a high standard of management to all staff reporting into the role (whether ongoing or casual), including performance monitoring and management, coaching, and providing professional development mentorship to achieve a high level of performance.

Selection Criteria:

* Solid experience (at least 5 – 10 years) managing and delivering technical elements of professional live theatrical productions (experience delivering opera preferred but not essential, depending on other experience)
* Demonstrable understanding of contemporary production management practices
* Proven track record of successfully managing resources (financial, people, equipment) in an arts environment to achieve outstanding logistical and artistic outcomes
* Proven ability to prioritise and balance competing demands and pressures, including working simultaneously across multiple arts events, all at different stages of their project lifecycle
* Demonstrable attention to detail, accuracy, and ability to synthesise information from a variety of sources and consolidate into actionable tasks or outcomes
* Proven ability to build and maintain positive and mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholders, locally and nationally
* Ability to manage information or matters requiring confidentiality, discretion, and / or sound judgement
* Proven people management skills, including ability to galvanise a team consisting of casual or project-based workers
* Calm, confident communication and leadership style across all mediums and across all stakeholders
* Proficiency with Computer Assisted Design software (CAD), or ability to learn.

Remuneration negotiable depending on experience. Salary range starts at $75,000 per annum plus 9.5% superannuation.

This role is full-time however, for the right candidate, may be able to operate within a flexible hours / flexible schedule arrangement due to the seasonal nature of the work.

Interstate applicants, or applicants interested to hear more about how a flexible arrangement may work in this context or to discuss salary expectations, are strongly encouraged to reach out to the Chief Operating Officer for a more comprehensive discussion about the role.

Closing date for applications: 22 October 2018, 5pm

Interviews: First round interviews held in Adelaide on Friday 26 October 2018

Please email applications or initial requests for more information to Chief Operating Officer Alison Nadebaum via

Commencement date: The position will commence in early 2019 (date to be negotiated), however a one-week handover period with incumbent in late November 2018 is highly desired by State Opera.

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