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Pro Shop LED PAR64’s a Victory


Saturday January 29th saw the official gala opening for the Victory Motorcycles long awaited Sydney dealership, located at Parramatta Road, Ashfield. The all-new 1200 square metre showroom has wings for all variants in the cruiser and touring model range, huge accessory display areas, and designated customer areas including delivery bays, coffee bar and a high-tech multimedia area with interactive features such as iPads.

The Victory showroom is a unique retail destination complete with a high tech audio visual system designed and installed by Noisebox. Managing director John McCauley was briefed by the client to not only replicate a similar environment that was created in Melbourne but to make significant advances in user accessibility and change some of the dysfunctional elements. However the Sydney showroom is a lot more open with a 50 metre frontage, a 30 metre depth and a 6.5 metre raked ceiling.

The showroom features six raised motorized turntables 6 metres in diameter, each of which houses different motorcycles which slowly rotate. Above each turntable is a custom-made aluminium circular truss by Design Quintessence, within each truss assembly are several metal halide flood lights as well as four Pro Shop LED PAR64 cans to illuminate the bikes and change colour to suit the bike on display.

During the day all the lights are on with the metal halide flood lights highlighting the bikes and picking up the chrome elements whilst at night they are turned off and the LED PAR64’s highlight the stock in dramatic style, clearly visible from busy Parramatta Rd.

”After 25 years creating retail environments this is one of the most visually dynamic that I have been involved with,” John notes. “The client didn’t want a light show per se – they wanted to be able to pick a static sympathetic colour using the LEDs to highlight the best elements of the bike. Victory was so impressed with the day/night ambience that they asked us to add another half circle truss over the stage area complete with four more Pro Shop LED PAR64.”

The lighting can be easily changed by staff or put into a preset mode via an iPad running AMX control software.

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