Located in the unique surrounds of Kings Park, perched high above the city of Perth and the beautiful Swan River sits the Fraser’s complex comprising of four distinct areas – restaurant, private dining room, function centre and state reception centre.
The new Fraser’s State Reception Centre is a purpose-built venue at the top of the building, nestled in the lemon-scented gums of Fraser Avenue, overlooking the Swan River. The centre can host large receptions, seminars and conferences suitable for government, corporate and community events, including weddings. Stunning architectural features such as high ceilings, and opening floor to ceiling windows combined with two full bars, lifts, disability access and private restrooms, all create the ultimate destination.
Perth AV was appointed as the in-house audio visual supplier and they were faced with a very white room with a white semi-transparent roof that just screamed out to be painted in coloured light!
The first event that Perth AV catered to was a corporate function and the client requested a room wash.
“We happened to have a couple of the Pro Shop LED Outdoor Flood fixtures and I suggested we give them a go as they are the brightest thing I’ve seen for a while,” commented Mike Bird, Perth AV’s operations manager. “As there is no power supply in the roof, power consumption was a big consideration. The only power available was for the projectors so we managed to tap some of that to install four units and were consequently met with a blaze of colour!”
The venue operators were so impressed by the effect generated by the Pro Shop LED Outdoor Flood fixtures they requested them to be installed on a permanent basis. With the LED Outdoor Flood, both indoor and outdoor applications can benefit from a super bright and super wide output. The unit features 15 x 15w LED clusters, the unique feature is that these clusters are set into small reflector units; optically it utilizes these reflectors to ensure saturated, mixed and even output.
As there are no DMX points in the roof a Pro Shop WRX-1 wireless DMX system was installed into the roof along with a receiver with the sender situated down on the work floor.
“The wireless DMX system has been faultless so far,” added Mike. “It was certainly the best option as the operating positions for each function varies and it’s not always viable to run DMX cables. This way you just put the DMX sender box alongside wherever the console is and away you go. It’s set up in a matter of minutes, is flexible, easy and has proven to be rock solid.”
Currently a Martin Freekie is used for control although this will be replaced soon by a Martin M1 PC controller.
“The venue is so successful it’s difficult to find a free evening to go install the M1 PC!”

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