Canterbury College in Queensland recently opened their new Events Centre, a building that measures 75 m x 45 m with a stage size approximately 24 m x 12 m plus wing space and side of stage areas. In full seating mode the centre can host 2000 seats.
Whilst the building is a BER funded all the technical gear such as sound and lighting was funded by the College via fundraising along with some other grant based funding.
Performance Lighting & Sound Pty Ltd was the technical suppliers making the wise choice to install twelve Pro Shop LED Tri-Colour PAR64’s and twenty-six Pro Shop LED RGB PAR64’s along with a large mixture of typical theatrical lanterns.
“The customer loves the fact that there is no lamp change required with the PAR64’s plus their low running cost due to their low power consumption,” remarked Noel Martin, managing director of PLS. “And of course they save on gel bills too! The same can be said for the LED Tri-Colour PAR64 plus they are very powerful – in fact the customer was blown away by their output. The colours are great and mix well too.”
PLS also supplied a couple of Martin MAC350 Entour powerful and energy-efficient LED-based profile moving heads and the customer was particularly impressed by their versatility and low motor noise
“The MAC350 Entour is a very compact fixture that is surprisingly bright for its size,” said Noel. “It has a great output, dimming and movement is also good. And they take so little power.”
PLS also installed approximately 100 lineal metres of Design Quintessence F34 square truss and 35 lineal metres of F34 tri-truss.

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